稳定的十大彩票网站 Policy Portal

This Policy Portal serves as the single repository for all University-level policies that relate to institutional, academic, faculty, and USG policies.  Starting in Fall 2022, 稳定的十大彩票网站 will implement a common process to facilitate the review of university-level policies by the shared governance groups and the final review and approval of policies by the Provost and/or President.  

This new process maintains the commitment to share all university policies with the shared governance groups, while instituting a common process with which policies are distributed to the shared governance groups and how feedback from the groups is solicited and received.

 The new policy tracking process will also ensure that policy changes are documented and that approved versions are tracked and entered into the appropriate Handbooks (Catalog, Faculty, and University) in a transparent manner. 

Image depicting the policy review and approval process.
Policy Process Graphic
